May 18, 2023

Workshopping our way to human-first benefits

A benefit is only a benefit if it actually benefits people.

At Unleashed, we want to help scale-ups and startups take a human-first approach to their benefit offerings, not only to attract and retain great people but most importantly, make sure that their benefit packages empower their team to live the life they actually want to live.

We recognise that organisations are forever evolving and changing, so it's important that orgs regularly review their benefit offerings to ensure it remains relevant, competitive and compelling for everyone who works there.

This workshop has been designed to co-create and explore new benefit opportunities with your people at the helm. With a nod to design thinking, you can expect to go through an explorative discovery with the end result being a series on MVPs (minimum viable products).

This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know your people and what matters the most to them.

You will...

🎨 Co-define a set of guiding principles which will act as a north star when making decisions

🧠 Use divergent thinking to expand thoughts + develop options in many different directions

πŸ”¬ Use convergent thinking to narrow the focus + carefully select the best options to take forward

🌱 Use design thinking to iterate quickly + create a series of MVPs that could launch tomorrow.


✨ Access the workshop here + have fun!



Written by Unleashed's Holly Moon.

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